
Hey Arnold!: Helga's Parrot

Hey Arnold! is an American animated television series created by Craig Bartlett for Nickelodeon. The series aired from October 7, 1996 until June 8, 2004. The show features a fourth grader named Arnold and his friends, and the predicaments they encounter.

Helga's Parrot Episod:
Helga's parrot is a parrot who died because it knew too much. The parrot was bought by Big Bob for a commercial. While being locked in Helga's room it remembered one of her poems about Arnold, which it memorized and did not stop reciting. Helga was going to shut up the parrot with a chainsaw, but it escaped to Arnold's house. The parrot almost revealed Helga's deepest secret to whole class during Show and Tell but was eaten up by the monitor lizard.

Season 4, Episode 67a